
New Blue Lights Aimed at Reducing Red Light Running City of Tucson

The City of Tucson's Department of Transportation and Mobility and the Tucson Police Department are partnering to install blue lights on top of traffic signals at certain intersections within the City of Tucson. These lights will illuminate when the red light is active, allowing officers to observe red light runners from a safe distance.

The blue lights are not cameras and do not take pictures. Floor Lines

New Blue Lights Aimed at Reducing Red Light Running City of Tucson

In other communities, these lights have been shown to reduce the frequency of crashes when motorists understand the presence of the blue lights allow enforcement to take place from a distance, and the officer may not be seen. The first intersection scheduled to receive a blue light will be at Grant Road and Craycroft Road, which was selected based on the historically high frequency of left-turn collisions and the amount of heavy travel in the area.

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New Blue Lights Aimed at Reducing Red Light Running City of Tucson

Dock Lights City of Tucson 255 W. Alameda St. Tucson, Arizona 85701 View on Map